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International Macroeconomics (In Spanish)

Undergraduate, University of Costa Rica, 2022

The course deals with recent theory on international macro to understand the main implications of increasing integration of the world economy. Topics covered in the course include theories and facts about the current account, exchange rate determination and the real exchange rate, international macroeconomic co-movement, comparison of the properties of alternative exchange rate systems (including currency unions), currency crises, macroeconomic policy in open economies, and international capital flows. Website.

Macro-Labor Economics (In Spanish)

Undergraduate, University of Costa Rica, 2022

The course presents important theories and methods for analyzing labor markets under frictional settings. The course emphasizes relationships between macro phenomena such as unemployment and agents’ behavior in the labor market. The course introduces building blocks for studying the relationship between the micro and the macro sides of the economy, to understand how unemployment and wage dispersion can arise as equilibrium phenomena. Website.

Macroeconomic Theory 2 (In Spanish)

Undergraduate, University of Costa Rica, 2023

This course emphasizes the microeconomic underpinnings of modern macroeconomics, maintaining tractability and a focus on policy. By the end of the course, students will have a thorough understanding of advanced methods in macroeconomics, including the neoclassical model, real business cycle model, and New Keynesian model with sticky prices, and will be well-prepared for further study or work in the field. Website.